Member Benefits


member benefits

Benefits from our corporate sponsors can more than cover the cost of your annual membership; many more benefits negotiated by individual squadrons (CPS-ECP Chapters) are also available to members across the country:

CPS-ECP Group Insurance by Cowan Insurance Brokers: *

Receive Canadian Yachting Magazine

Half-Price Membership with BOAT U.S.

Plus access to many more benefits in the U.S. and Canada such as West Marine Chandleries.

Save 10% with:

BOATCAN Computer Boat Sales 20% exclusive discount to CPS members

Save on boating equipment from manufacturers of premier nautical equipment:

Ports Cruising Guides 25% exclusive discount to CPS members.

Members: login for the up to date list of Corporate and local Membership Benefits, access to the corporate rate codes, and direct links to partner web sites.

* Note: Savings compared with a similar policy from Cowan Group to non-members. To qualify for the CPS-ECP Insurance program, it may be required for some boats that a recent marine survey be presented; as a result, not all boats may qualify or restrictions may apply. The CPS-ECP Boat Insurance program provides a comprehensive package. Not all proposed competitive policies are as comprehensive as the Cowan Group CPS-ECP program; read the policy fine prints of any competitive offer.

** Benefits may change from time to time without notice.

Windsor Power and Sail Squadron

For over 80 years, the Windsor Power and Sail Squadron (WPSS) has been involved locally, regionally and nationally in providing leadership in education and the promotion of the ideas of the Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons (CPS-ECP).

Copyright 2011 © Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons. All rights reserved. Charitable Registration Number: 10686 5611 RR0001