From: Stephen & Karen Reynolds
Subject: Young CPS-ECP members
Date: 17 August, 2012 11:16:34 AM EDT
I am writing to you in the hopes that you may feature an article on younger students in the CPS-ECP
organization through the experiences of myself and my 13 year old son Ben. I am hoping that by
telling his story to the CPS-ECP community we can inspire squadrons to attract younger students and for
other parents and their kids to participate in safe boating education and CPS-ECP.
To the editorial review committee,
One of the things my wife and I enjoy about boating is the opportunities it gives us with our kids,
especially away from screens and other digital age distractions. It has also created unique
opportunities for our kids to take on responsibilities and interact with adults in ways they would not
otherwise have. For us the CPS-ECP courses have been one of those opportunities.
Speaking as a former teenaged CPS-ECP member and now an instructor I am impressed by the effort and
the attitude of younger CPS-ECP students. Taking on extra courses for someone already in school can
seem at first to be a daunting task. The CPS-ECP adult oriented courses are a challenge not just because
of their teaching format but also because some of the concepts in these courses are ones that young
students have not yet studied at school. For some this is also the first formal exam that they have
ever written. However the upsides more then compensate for the effort. Students come away with
improved study habits, enhanced confidence and better social skills, especially with their elders.
They also internalize attitudes and knowledge about safe boating that lasts them a lifetime.
I know first hand because my son Ben is one of these students. This past year he completed the
boating and PCOC courses at the age of 13. Ben also participated in the Marine Radio course where
he tutored his younger sister, Laura 12, and they both not only passed but had the highest marks in
the class. We have seen his efforts and the seriousness that he takes to safe boating. He has
improved his study habits from taking CPS-ECP courses which will do him well as he is now enters high
school. I am also able to report that he is eager to take on more by enrolling in the seamanship
course this fall.
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