1. For the purposes of the Confidentiality Policy:
(a) “personal information” means information permitting anyone to identify a person, such as the
name and address of the person.(b) “Person concerned” means a person who is a member of CPS-ECP and includes a person who
is not a member but who has taken an examination under the supervision of CPS-ECP.
2. CPS-ECP is committed to preserving the confidentiality of the personal information contained in the computer lists of its members and of non-members who have taken an examination under the supervision of CPS-ECP.
3. CPS-ECP will not communicate to a third party, for purposes of commercial or philanthropic solicitation, the personal information contained in its computer lists, without the prior consent of the person concerned.
4. CPS-ECP will communicate without the prior consent of the person concerned, personal information contained in its computer lists in instances where the organization or entity to which the personal information is communicated, will use such information to bring a benefit to the persons concerned and not for purposes of commercial or philanthropic solicitation.
5. In such an instance, CPS-ECP will only communicate the personal information after the organization or entity who requested such a personal information has agreed, by contract with CPS-ECP, not to communicate such personal information to a third party, without the prior consent of CPS-ECP, nor to use it for purposes of commercial or philanthropic solicitation.
6. In any instance wzhere CPS-ECP allows communication of personal information to a third party, it will ensure that such communication will not infringe on the privacy of the person concerned.
7. A person concerned may, at any time, make an express request that personal information concerning himself/herself and contained in CPS-ECP computer lists be kept confidential.
Authority: Governing Board Minutes 02-GB3.07.2
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